Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flower Power

It has been amazing here the past few weeks. Flowers don't seem to die off as quickly as I'm used to, and the trees are no exception. I wish I could have every single flowering tree I've seen here in my own front yard.

Today the bug and I went out on assignment to find and photograph some of the wonderfulness that has bloomed up here in the great North West.

This building to the left is a fresh produce market that I have been searching for for two months. It's actually a house located on a small residential street. I have yet to shop there, I just feel better now that I know I can have fresh strawberries.

This pink flowering tree is EVERYWHERE! You'll probably see more of this tree in these pictures. They are insane! So beautiful!

This picture hardly gives these tulips justice. The bloom is as big as my fist.

And here is my latest contribution to the flowers here in good ol Eugene. Purple and Yellow Pansies. Gotta represent our Lakers/LSU Tigers! haha.
Also got some strawberries, Blueberries and white Impatients. I'll take pictures of those once they flower.

It is so nice to drive around the town with the windows down and that warm breeze blowing past you. The sun is out and all these trees and flowers put a smile on your face. Everything is clean and there for a reason and we're not crushing every living thing with buildings and parking lots and apartments.

It's nice.


  1. SO beautiful! Such a nice blog for earth day too! I got a free Japanese Maple tree from whole foods today. I can't wait to plant it! I need to borrow your green thumb first. :)

  2. New Jersey looks like this too!! The Daffodils are SO BEAUTIFUL here, I need to take some pictures! Spring really is just amazing.

    Beautiful pictures!!

  3. Thanks gals! Yea, it's pretty amazing out here right now.

  4. Spring makes all the rain & pea-soup skies worth it, I guess. <3
