I didn't know what to do! How do you get rid of thousands of bees?! I couldn't get close enough to spray them, they surely attack. And besides that I didn't really want to murder a bunch of bees that weren't harming anyone. I went inside, called around and came across a bee catcher. He was so excited to hear of a bee swarm! Apparently, there is a bee shortage out there. I gave him our address and he was on his way!

The bee catcher said they were Italian bees and can bee a little hot headed if agitated so I should stand back. You don't gotta tell me twice! This was the last photo I took outside. hahahaa

This I took all the way zoomed in from our front door. It was so cool to see him wrangle all the bees inside his little box. He was like a Bee Whisperer.

Once he got the bees inside the box, he loaded them inside his truck and gave me his card. He said that some of the bees that didn't make it would look for another swarm maybe one or two houses down and to warn the neighbors.
Haven't seen or heard of any since but I still follow their path if I see a couple flying together. What a weird day.