A brand new bike from Lolo and Lola keep us pretty busy these days. We ride to visit the horses up the street and the little bug is getting very good at looking both ways before crossing the street. He loves to go fast! Thank you Lolo & Lola!!!
Back in May our good friends Chris and Mizu came up to Oregon to stay with us for the weekend. It was sooooooo nice to have them here and hang. We miss our friends so much so when they take the time to come up here, we have the best time ever! Here are some photos of their trip!
We took them to the Saturday Market downtown.
And then to Cornucopia. Best Burgers & Beer in town!!!
These are some of the flowers in our backyard. Bubbles!
This is at the top Skinners Butte. Eugene Skinner founded the town of Eugene and this is where he claimed it back in 1846. You can see the whole town from up here. And it's not very high, which says a lot about the size of our tiny town. haha. Me and Mizu at Shelby's house for Shelby's birthday.
It was so nice to have our friends come out and stay with us even if it was for a short weekend trip.
One fine day the bug and I were leaving the house and noticed a couple bees fly past the car. I was stopped in front of my house and wanted to see where they were headed. Oh, no where special, except for the GIANT BALL OF BEES that had formed on one of our trees out front!!!!!
I didn't know what to do! How do you get rid of thousands of bees?! I couldn't get close enough to spray them, they surely attack. And besides that I didn't really want to murder a bunch of bees that weren't harming anyone. I went inside, called around and came across a bee catcher. He was so excited to hear of a bee swarm! Apparently, there is a bee shortage out there. I gave him our address and he was on his way!
The bee catcher said they were Italian bees and can bee a little hot headed if agitated so I should stand back. You don't gotta tell me twice! This was the last photo I took outside. hahahaa This I took all the way zoomed in from our front door. It was so cool to see him wrangle all the bees inside his little box. He was like a Bee Whisperer.
Once he got the bees inside the box, he loaded them inside his truck and gave me his card. He said that some of the bees that didn't make it would look for another swarm maybe one or two houses down and to warn the neighbors.
Haven't seen or heard of any since but I still follow their path if I see a couple flying together. What a weird day.
We have had Siouxsie for about a year now. She and our cocker spaniel Bella are the best of buds. For reals, like if I recorded them together, I should probably send it into AFV or something. haha. They even groom each other. So cute! Anyway, Here are a few photos of Siouxsie. Enjoy!
I procrastinated a lot on this entry mainly because there are so many pictures and the thought of having to sit down and write about each and every one became a very daunting task in my mind. So here I am, finally sitting down nearly two weeks after these picture were taken, finally blogging about them. The captions will be short and sweet. This is our trip to the Newport Aquarium and our random little stops back home. Spoiler Alert: I see a lighthouse in your future!
The bug was pretty stoked at the idea of getting to touch stuff, but once he saw the texture of what he was touching, he was done. hahaha. This did not surprise me, after all, Juno didn't touch grass or sand on his bare feet till he was like two years old! Yea, I touched them. We taught Juno to say "I Luuuuvs me some shrimpsss!" What great, grammatical parents he has! I heart this picture so much.. It gives me goosebumps to see father/son loveliness like this! Contemplating the freakishness of the spider crabs. Yea... I could have done without ever seeing them too, Junebug. Shark Tank!
We made some stops along the way back down the coast. Ate some damn good crab. And saw a lighthouse!!!! We love lighthouses ::hug:: A great day was had by all.