My gardening has officially turned into an obsession. I love it oh so much. I can't wait to have an actual gardening plot in the back yard instead of just some random places that I dug up. haha. Here are some updated photos of my babies.

My cilantro has gone nuts. I really need to make something that calls for a lot of it. (Sorry Ang. haha)

My sunflowers were doing wonderfully till Souixsie decided to lay down right in the middle of them a couple of weeks ago. I thought she had ruined them. I just kept watering them and they started to perk back up. There are still some that are growing along the ground. There is one that is laying down and then half way up the stem it turns up toward the sun (It's the one at the bottom of the picture). Strong little buggers. I cant wait till they flower. They are going to be so huge.

This is my blueberry plant that has yet to produce a blueberry.

One of my beloved pepper plants. They are starting to bud!!!

Siouxsie love stalking things in the back yard. I am so glad we got a cat cause she is really good at hunting for bugs, especially in the house. She finds them before we do, THANK GOD! And if she sees one but can't reach it, she does this weird studered meow sound and stares at it. It's awesome. I'm so glad she has a back yard to run around in and get all her energy out. Then she comes in and gives me lots of love.

Snaped this one on my way in from the garden shots and decided to post it. I love pictures. and here are some that we keep on our fridge. There are more on the sides but you'll just have to come over to see those.

I really want to have more pictures of people on this blog. I still want to keep it true to why I started it though. I want it to be a photography blog about all the stuff I come across while living in Eugene. I need to get out more with my camera and start taking pictures of people.
I saw this bum, um I mean...vagabond the other day (there are a lot up here) and he had a sign that said "Nobody reads this shit anyway". I wanted to give him all my money. I can totally apreciate being fed up. It was a green light though and I couldn't stop. Oh well, hopefully I'll see him again.