Easter was fun this year. I took JB to the mall to see the Easter Bunny. On the way there I talked up our furry egg hiding friend so much Juno couldn't wait to meet him. I mean, who wouldn't right? All that fluffiness hopping around your backyard, hiding eggs you decorated and then leaving giant baskets of candy behind to replace the next mornings breakfast?! What could be better?
Unfortunetly the bug didn't share my excitement once he layed eyes on the 7 foot tall (ears included) cartoon eyed giant they were calling a bunny. Poor kids. They get put through this torture every year. Even Ry didn't understand why I was going to the mall of all places and pay someone rediculous amounts of money for 4 wallet sized pictures that I could have taken myself. And done a better job might I add!
As I explained to the hubby, I go through all this because my parents did it with me. I have like 7 consecutive years of Easter Bunny and Santa photos. I bet my mom complained about the exact same things as she forked over her $4.50 in exchange for the blurry polaroid of her tramatized toddler.
Still, I think it's time for a change. I think I'll be taking these photos from now on. It's time to stop complaining and do something about it! Time to send a message to those mall fonies and say Enough Is Enough!!!
...Ryan is going to look so good in Bunny ears.. heehee.